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서울국제도서전 서포터즈 <책애(愛)서> 우수 블로그 포스팅 - 1조 "공책"_Joly Renaud

안녕하세요. 블로그 지기입니다~:D

국제도서전의 서포터즈 책애(愛)서 친구들의 스토리를 들려드리고 있는데요~

벌써 3번째 이야기를 들려드릴 차래가 되었어요!

책을 사랑하는 다양한 친구들의 이야기 여러분들도 함께 들어보세요^0^


세번째로 들려드릴 이야기는 1조 공책의 외국인 친구 Joly Renaud의 이야기입니다.



bongjuru 봉주루


Publié le 3 mai 2015

I have been in Korea for 9 Months already, and my philosophy have been to try every new experience. What I did not expect is that there would be so many opportunities.

Recently I have been recruited for joining the 2015 Seoul International Book Fair promotion. A great opportunity to take part of this big event.

  The Seoul International Book fair will take place from 6.17 to 6.21, at COEX with « book and art » as a theme.

So the SIBF Is not a classical book fail. you can enjoy a whole culture festival with some artists exhibitions ~ Make sure to check the whole informations here: http://sibf.or.kr/home/ 

This year, they aim to make this event more international and recruited 5 teams of 5 students, Koreans and foreigner to help for the promotion:

Our team would like to share the really great feeling of reading a book outside. Since I am in Korea I have been surprised seeing nobody reading in a park or on a bench. « Wouldn’t it be weird ? » answered my friends. I can’t help to think of the pleasure to take some time to escape in a book in such a big city though. So enjoy the good weather and a good book !

Follow us to stay informed about the SIBF and our group :

twitter: @Jeong_Minjun 

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeoulBookFest

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Publié le 28 avril 2015

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bongjuru 봉주루 



2015 서울국제도서전


6/17 ~ 6/21


코엑스 A홀





책의 매력 속으로

책애(愛)서 친구들과 함께 빠져 보아요!